APS Ventures

Growing Together at Every Stage of Life

Discover tax minimization & financial strategies tailored for individuals, families, retirees, and businesses in the Kansas City area and beyond.

Schedule Your Complimentary Introduction Today - Let's explore how our services can fit into your unique financial plan.

Financial & Insurance Services to Help You Flourish

Life's journey is marked by changing seasons, and with each, your financial and insurance needs evolve. Whether you're making strides in your 40s, navigating through the 50s, or stepping into the 60s and beyond, each period of life brings its unique set of goals and challenges. 

At APS Ventures, we're dedicated to guiding and supporting your financial well-being through every stage. Our services are crafted to adapt to your needs, whether you need help with retirement income planning, tax minimization strategies, or getting your financial health in order.

Let's explore how we can support your financial journey together.

Making Money Matters Simple

Figuring out how to manage your money and make the right insurance choices can seem really challenging. It's like there's a whole language of terms and rules that no one ever sat down and explained to you. 

Money management matters a lot because the choices you make today can have a big impact on your life tomorrow and many years down the road. Whether it's saving for something big, protecting yourself with the right insurance, or just making sure you're not over-spending, every decision plays a part in building a stable future.

That's where APS Ventures comes into play. We're here to clear up any confusion and turn what may seem complicated into something you can grasp. Think of us as your guides in the world of finances. We take all those seemingly complex ideas and words that seem like they're meant for experts and break them down into plain language that makes sense to you. We're dedicated to helping you feel in control and confident about how you're handling your money and insurance choices.

Holistic Services

A healthy financial life that is positioned to flourish over a lifetime is impacted and supported by several factors including savings and investments for growth; helping to reduce and mitigate financial risks; and protecting and preserving your nest egg so that it lasts through retirement. At APS Ventures, we can help you create a customized financial and insurance ecosystem designed to support your goals. Our overall financial services include:

Save and grow your assets to help achieve short- and long-term goals.

Protect yourself and assets with life, health, property and casualty insurance.

Take advantage of strategies to help minimize taxes so that you pay your fair-share but no more.

Put an income plan in place to sustain you in retirement.

Leave a meaningful legacy for loved ones or a favorite cause.

Protect your business and provide benefits for your employees.

Clients Vary. So Do Their Needs. 

Many financial services firms out there only cater to the wealthy or those nearing or in retirement. This is where APS Ventures is different. We specialize in the needs of clients ranging from age 40-plus through retirement. We understand that clients need different services as at different life stages. No matter where you are, we can help.

  • Are you in your 40s?

    If you are in in your 40s, you might be a Millennial. You are likely hitting your career stride and caring for a family. Paying off debt, buying a home, and investing and saving for retirement might be on your mind. How do you juggle it all? We can help you sort it out and put a game plan in place.

  • Are you in your 50s?

    If you are in your 50s, you are likely a GenXer and trying to stay strong in your career. Your adult kids may be in college or at least out of the house. You have accumulated some assets but are wondering if you are really on-track to retire someday. We can run the numbers, provide an assessment and recommend strategies to hopefully help you finish strong.

  • Are you 60 or older?

    If you are in your 60s or 70s, you have probably worked for decades and have saved and invested. You could be in retirement or winding down your career and retirement is just around the corner. As you think about retirement, there are so many questions and decisions to consider. We can coach you though this new “game of life” and help you find your way.

  • Are you a business owner?

    Business owners must stay focused on many areas to be successful. Two areas of importance are overall business viability and employee benefits. We can help in both areas with financial, insurance and employee benefit services.

Our Agents Are Ready To Help You!

Andrew Surber, NSSA®️, CEO

Founder, Team Leader and Truth-Teller

Erik Witt, Candidate for CFP® Certification

Back-Office Manager & Financial Professional

Doug Garrett, Stocks Professional

Avid Investor, Portfolio Manager & Market Analysis Professional

Understand the Process

Since financial services can be overwhelming, we try to simplify the process for our clients. That way our clients know what to expect and together, we make progress.

  • Introduction phone call or web meeting.

    The first phone call or meeting is simply to get to know one another. We believe finding the right fit starts here. Don’t be shy, if nights or weekends work best, just let us know. Time commitment: 30 minutes.

  • Create a financial plan using Right Capital software.

    This step is the cornerstone of our process. Completing a thorough assessment of your current situation will help build the next steps to help navigate your financial future. It will be a tool we continue to use every step of the way. Time commitment: 1 hour.

  • Phone call or web meeting to review the financial plan.

    Once the bulk of your information is entered, we will have a follow-up meeting to fill in any missing pieces and refine the calculations. This is when you can see your plan come to life. Time commitment: 1 hour.

  • Create an action plan.

    This plan is emailed to you after step 3 based on the information discussed during the meeting. The action steps can range from reading Total Money Makeover to setting up a Roth account with automatic monthly deposits. The list can be long or short and simple, but we know getting the things done always makes you feel better. Time commitment: Varies.

  • Set up investment accounts and retirement plan.

    If the action plan contains the need to set up an account to begin your investment journey or you have old accounts that need to be consolidated, this step gets you closer to achieving financial confidence. We guide you every step and do most of the heavy lifting for you. Time commitment: 30 minutes.

  • Review financial plan and investments semi-annually.

    Now that we have everything set up and operating smoothly, it’s time to let the investments and retirement accounts work their magic. But at least twice a year, we need to review your financial plan to make any necessary adjustments to stay on track. Any life event is a time to review your plan, such as changing jobs, marriage, new baby or paying off debt. Time commitment: 1 hour.

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